Thanks to the efforts of activists from various European countries, we were able to organize the first meeting of the European decolonial network, on May 11th and 12th 2012 at the Complutense University of Madrid. This is the speech given by Houria Bouteldja, spokeswoman of the PIR, at the closing of the first day of debates, which was dedicated to defining the decolonial perspectives.
Esta en una lista de conceptos claves en la que trabajamos continuamente para clarificar o presentar aquellos conceptos que con frecuencia se desconocen o malinterpretan entre algunos de nuestros interlocutores.
This is a work-in-progress list of key concepts that are often unknown or misunderstood among some of our interlocutors.
Decolonialidad Europa es una red compuesta por intelectuales y activistas que trabajamos en torno a la descolonización de Europa. En esta página encontrarás una breve lista introductoria a los movimientos que forman parte de la red, los enlaces a sus páginas web, y/o sus presentaciones.
Decoloniality Europe is a network of intellectuals and acitvists across Europe who work for its decolonization. In this page you will find a brief introductory list of the movements, links to their webpages and/or their presentations.
Get in touch
Si te interesa saber más de nuestra red, ser partícipe de ella o suscribirte a nuestra lista de correos, envía un mensaje a o haz clic aquí.
If you are interested in knowing more about our network, participating in it, or if you want to subscribe to our mailing list, write a message to or click here
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Global Dialogue Research Center