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The Movements  -  Los movimientos

Decoloniality Europe is a network of intellectuals and activists across Europe. In this page you will find a brief introductory list of the movements, links to their webpages and/or their presentations.



The work of the Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) is based on fieldwork conducted by intellectuals-activists from all Europe about the discrimination and Islamophobia faced by Muslims in Europe. The IHRC collaborates with different Muslim and non-Muslim organisations towards the construction of an anti-racist and decolonial legal system, and the decolonisation of human rights. Their work has many different expressions: the elaboration of reports to national and international organisations, articles for the written press, media monitoring, documentation of war crimes and elaboration of research papers on discrimination, human rights, human dignity, democratization, etc. Much of the material elaborated in the IHRC is available online in their web page.

Arzu Merali's blog.

La red Decolonialidad Europa agrupa intelectuales y activistas en el continente europeo. En esta página se encuentra una breve lista introductoria de los movimientos, enlaces a sus páginas web y/o sus presentaciones.

The movement of the colonial subjects in France is made up by French citizens of Arab-Muslim and Black origin, these last especially Black from the Caribbean. Their work revolves around the decolonisation of being, power and knowledge, among others through their preoccupation with the historical memory concerning colonialism and slavery, a radical questioning of the institutional structures of colonial power of the French Republic, and a continuous underlining of the ways in which coloniality of power in France subalternises the colonial subjects of the Republic. Indigènes de la République count with broad support among the communities of colonial subjects in France, and collaborate closely with other social and political movements in the struggle against racism and coloniality.

Dutch Black Movement

The Dutch Black Movement has a long trajectory working in relation to Dutch slavery and its legacies, centring especially in contemporary debates about education and research (decolonization of knowledge), reparations and Dutch public policies. The movement, which counts with strong support of the Black Dutch community in general, has various institutionalised activities, such as a yearly summer school and symposium, an institute of research and education (NinSee), a widely read blog, and a permanent exhibition on the history of Dutch slavery. Some of the members of this movement participate continuously in public debates in Holland, invited to speak in television and radio.


Black Europe Summer School

NinSee – The National Institute for the Study of Dutch Slavery and its Legacy

Sandew Hira's Blog

The International Institute for Scientific Research


TOLERACE: The Semantics of Tolerance and (Anti-)Racism in Europe is a research project carried out in collaboration between several academic institutions in Europe. Its work centres on racism and its invisibilisation and depolitisation in the European context. The project is based at the Centre for Social Studies, Coimbra University in Portugal. It emphasises that the insufficiency of European public policies to combat racism is due to the fact that these are formulated and carried out on the basis of a dominant understanding of racism also common within academia. This dominant understanding does not consider the intimate relations between racism and the processes of nation-making, colonialism, coloniality, and the idea of citizenship in Europe.

Decoloniality Berlin

Decoloniality Germany consists of collectives in Berlin and Frankfurt, which operate with people from the communities of colour in Germany, migrants of diverse experiences, and Germans. Many of its members study/work at different German universities. In the following, we link to some of the activities of the Decoloniality Germany collectives.

Decoloniality Berlin - presentation at the First meeting of the Decoloniality Europe network, Madrid, May 2012.

Decolonize the City - Conference. September 21-23, 2012

Decolonial channel on Youtube

Decolonial videos on vimeo


Grupo de Estudios - Sindicato Andaluz de Trabajadores/as 

El 18 de diciembre de 2011, al calor del 1º Congreso del Sindicato Andaluz de Trabajadores, se aprobaron por unanimidad varias propuestas, acciones e ilusiones. Entre ellas, se dio el pistoletazo de salida al Grupo de Estudios del SAT, una propuesta que congregaba los esfuerzos de varios jóvenes de Nuestra Andalucía en su ilusión de apoyar el Movimiento de Liberación Andaluz poniendo en práctica los conocimientos adquiridos en sus respectivas carreras universitarias ya finalizadas y en las diferentes luchas sociales en las que habían participado. Historiadores/as, abogados/as, biólogos/as, antropólogos/as, sociólogos/as, se reunían con un objetivo común: Acelerar, acompañar, compartir y vivir las diferentes luchas sociales emprendidas desde nuestro sindicato.  Leer más...

Guindilla Bunda - Intervención el la Primera reunión de la Red Decolonialidad Europa, Madrid, Mayo de 2012.

​Dignidad. Construir una utopía I. Grupo de Estudios del Sindicato Andaluz de Trabajadores. 2012.

Dignidad. Construir una Utopía II. Descolonizando el pensamiento del Sur Global. 2012.

Insumisión judicial, derecho, resistencia y Movimientos Sociales: Hacia una Declaración Internacional de los Derechos de Pueblos Campesinos. 2012.



- Península Ibérica


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Instituto de Estudios Políticos para América Latina y África

El Instituto de Estudios Políticos para América Latina y África trabaja para forjar y fortalecer lazos entre el Norte y el Sur, para contribuir al proceso radical del desarrollo humano y sostenible como mejora de la calidad de vida buena, de ‘bien vivir’, impulsando una ciudadania consciente y organizada, capaz de exigir el cumplimiento de todos los derechos humanos con enfoque de género, para todos los seres humanos. Mediante su trabajo IEPALA busca ser una instancia integrada de estudios, diálogo y cooperación internacional al desarrollo y la democratización progresiva, para activar la solidaridad ética y política al servicio de las redes, organizaciones y movimientos de las sociedades civiles dispuestas a articularse como sujeto político democrático, con capacidad para cambiar las relaciones y naturaleza de las estructuras del poder y asumir los compromisos ineludibles en la construcción de un mundo más justo.

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